Southeast Kootenay: Teaching in the Heart of the Mountains
When I look back at my teaching career in School District #5 in Southeast Kootenay, it's incredible how the landscape and the community around me have shaped my journey.
By Justin Hart
Born in Calgary, Alberta, and raised in Quesnel, British Columbia, I didn't anticipate that moving to a small, mountainous town like Elkford would profoundly impact my life. But here I am, over a decade later, sharing my story.
The Path to Teaching in Elkford
My post-secondary education took place in Kelowna, BC, a city I initially thought I might return to after gaining some experience. But when I had the chance to join SD5, I was drawn to the district for its location in rural, mountainous communities.
As a skier, the proximity to the world-class Fernie Alpine Resort and Wapiti, the local ski hill in Elkford, was irresistible. Since moving here, my passion for the outdoors has only grown. Skiing may have brought me to the area, but Elkford's backcountry introduced me to snowmobiling, mountain biking, fly fishing, golfing and hiking. These are activities I had barely considered before moving, but the region's natural beauty has a way of pulling you in.
Falling in Love with the Community
When I was offered the position, I had another opportunity elsewhere in the province. What ultimately tipped the scales Elkford being just 45 minutes from Fernie, under two hours to Cranbrook, and just three hours from Calgary. The access to adventure and amenities offered a perfect balance.
At first, I planned to gain experience here and then move back to Kelowna. But Elkford quickly began to feel like home. Now, over 10 years later, I've bought two houses in town — my first one eight years ago, which I then sold to upgrade to a newer, larger one four years ago to accommodate my growing family. It's affordable and beautiful, and the mountain views right outside my door are breathtaking.
The Joy of Teaching in School District 5
One of the greatest things about working in this district has been the staff members I have known over the years. Whether at Rocky Mountain Elementary, where I work now, Sparwood Secondary, where I spent much of my career, or Elkford Secondary, where I had my first taste of the profession, I've always had the pleasure of working with some incredible people.
These small communities attract hardworking, passionate individuals who care deeply about their work because they care deeply about their communities and the quality of life they enjoy here.
Of course, teaching in a rural area has its challenges. Accommodations can be hard to find, but this is slowly improving as Elkford and Sparwood grow. While Fernie remains expensive, Elkford and Sparwood offer affordable housing options, making them ideal for new teachers and ever-growing families.
Why I Love Teaching
For me, teaching is all about the students. After a brief break from the profession, I quickly realized I missed the classroom, the energy and the connection with my students.
Nothing is more rewarding than watching a student's progress, whether improving their multiplication skills or nailing a free throw in gym class.
Seeing that spark of understanding and pride light up their faces is the best part of the job. Teaching fills your internal bucket. It may not always be sunshine and lollipops, but the incredible days outweigh the tough ones.
Teaching the BC Curriculum
The BC curriculum is one of the things I appreciate most about teaching here. It's open-ended, giving teachers the flexibility to create immersive, meaningful lesson plans.
Our district emphasizes "place-based" learning, allowing us to take students into the natural environment and apply the curriculum in real-world settings. This hands-on approach makes the learning experience both fun and impactful.
One of my favourite examples of this is a project I worked on with my senior woodwork class when teaching at Sparwood Secondary. My class was invited to collaborate with the senior art class at our school, a local chainsaw artist from the community, and other students from other schools within the district to create a giant wooden archway.
This archway was installed at Elk Lakes Provincial Park, welcoming travellers hiking or biking across the Alberta/British Columbia border. This kind of cross-curricular, community-based project is a perfect example of what makes teaching in BC so unique.
A Final Word
Teaching in School District 5, especially in the Elk Valley, offers something truly special. It's rural and remote, but for those who are passionate about teaching and willing to embrace the limitless opportunities our curriculum and environment offer, the experience is beyond rewarding.
If you're a teacher who values community, loves the outdoors, and wants to make a meaningful impact in the lives of your students, I encourage you to consider joining SD5. You'll find a place you are proud to call home.
The above reflections come from Justin Hart 's decade of experience as a teacher in School District 5. Elkford has become not just a place of work for him but a home, and he's proud to be part of the community he calls "incredible."