Private: Hiring Employees
Hiring Process Overview
A carefully planned selection process gives you the confidence of knowing that you have recruited and hired the most successful candidate for the position. Take the time to plan the process ahead of time – the pay-off will be worth it! A thorough selection process involves much more than simply collecting resumés and conducting interviews. You will need to consider the specific job description for the position and develop a list of criteria that you are looking for in a potential candidate. You will also need to create a shortlist, conduct meaningful interviews and collect information about potential candidates from a number of sources. An effective recruiting and hiring process generally includes the following steps:
- Defining selection criteria
- Recruiting candidates
- Shortlisting
- Interviewing
- Gathering additional information
- Making the selection decision
- Notifying candidates
Click on any of the above links for more specific information as well as great tips and samples that can help you at each stage of this very important process.