Director of Instruction

Careers in District Administration

The Director of Instruction is a multifaceted district-level leadership position focusing on educational and student services. Depending on the needs of a district, the director may be responsible for student curriculum, professional development programs, special education services, specialized programs, and human resources.

In a human resources capacity, the director may be involved in various activities, including labour relations, recruitment and retention, and employee records.

The director may also have a role in Adult and Continuing Education, International Education, Summer Learning, Career Education, Post-Secondary Partnerships, and Research.

Ultimately, the Director of Instruction’s responsibility is to work in concert with the district leadership team to lead, develop and implement initiatives supporting student success.

Qualifications and Certification Requirements

A Master’s or equivalent degree in a relevant field and senior educational leadership in a school system may be required.

Eligible membership in the Ministry of Education’s Teacher Regulation Branch is necessary to be appointed to this position.

Directors of Instruction may also be members of the British Columbia School Superintendents Association.

Salary and Benefits

Compensation among senior administrators, including Directors of Instruction, varies among districts. Because each position has its own unique requirements and responsibilities, total salary and compensation can vary. In some districts, Directors of Instruction may hold dual roles where one role is responsible for matters related to student services, and another is responsible for education services.

Because of these differences, and the fact the total compensation is negotiated between a district and the job candidate, total salary and compensation differs from one district to another. Like all other public education sector employees, senior administrators and educational leaders also receive comprehensive extended health benefits, professional development allowance, and generous pensions.

Training and Educational Programs

The following is a list of British Columbia post-secondary institutions offering Masters of Education programs.


No programs in this region.


No programs in this region.

Employment Opportunities

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