Current Job Openings

Last Updated: 1/23/2025 12:03:04 PM EST

School Overview

Unity Christian School has offered quality Christ-centered education in the Upper Fraser Valley since 1969. Our school community is firmly committed to its mission to “assist its students in developing their God-given potential to enable them to join in the work of building the Kingdom of God.”

Why teach At Unity Christian School?

The Christian community of Unity, in grateful obedience to God, seeks to educate children in the light of the infallible Word of God. We believe that children are image-bearers of God who have unique gifts and talents. Unity Christian School offers a distinctive approach to Christian education and is an outstanding choice for education in Chilliwack.

Unity Christian offers a wide variety of course selections, utilizes cutting-edge resources, and strengthens extracurricular programs in applied skills, fine arts, and athletics so that our students can realize their unique academic potentials.

Our Mission, Vision and Values

As noted in our Mission Statement, our school community is firmly committed to assisting its students in developing their God-given potential to enable them to join in the work of building the Kingdom of God.

The Christian community of Unity Christian School, in grateful obedience to God, seeks to educate children in the light of the infallible Word of God. We believe that children are image-bearers of God, who have unique gifts and talents.

Core Values

  • Dedication of our all to God The Unity Christian curriculum, pedagogy, assessment practices, policies, procedures, and extracurricular activities will faithfully reflect the Lordship of Christ over all.
  • Community Unity Christian seeks to engage students, parents, employees, and alumni in the enterprise of learning, all focused on the same outcome of learners equipped with faith and prepared to serve the school, the community, and wherever the Kingdom needs them.
  • Grace Unity Christian seeks to transform the lives of each student, where each one’s experience is recognized; story is heard; and potential, talents, and abilities are discovered and nurtured.
  • Acceptance and Inclusiveness Unity Christian welcomes families and students of all Christian traditions as well as those who demonstrate a sincere interest in the Christian faith. Unity Christian seeks to include within its community those students with special educational needs, who possess varying learning abilities and come from diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds.
  • Challenge Unity Christian seeks to engage, challenge and instruct students in ways distinctive to each, according to their unique academic potential and learning style.
  • Discernment Unity Christian believes in the importance of students who are critical thinkers and able to engage our culture through a lens of faith. Therefore, the Unity Christian community seeks to be a safe but not sheltering place.

Our Educational Program

The Unity Christian educational program is guided by the graduate profile, which is based around the core values: Community, Dedication of all to God, Acceptance and Inclusiveness, Grace, Challenge, and Discernment. These are Unity Christian’s educational goals.


Unity Christian School is becoming known for its strong commitment to helping all students succeed. With diversity already existing amongst our staff in terms of passion, gifts and abilities, the school acknowledges that all students come with unique and varying gifts and abilities, too, as well as diverse cultural backgrounds. The school desires to see all students use their gifts and talents to their fullest potential, in service to God and neighbour. Staff will also be sensitive to providing accommodations that will help to individualize or customize learning so that students develop their own passion with a view to impact the world, and contribute to the building of the Kingdom of God.


Unity Christian School will employ creative, sedulous and engaging curriculum, pedagogy and assessment such that students have multiple ways of demonstrating their learning and take a high degree of ownership for their learning. The teaching staff at Unity Christian School will intentionally plan for meaningful educational opportunities for all students. The curriculum will be relevant to the (post) modern world in which students live. Resource materials and technology will support teachers in their practice, and also support learners to achieve their God-given potential. Teachers are comfortable with the messiness of learning, promoting peer interaction, collaboration, discovery, and experimentation.

Safe Environment

Unity Christian School will be a safe place for all learners, both students and staff, where each person is respected, encouraged and affirmed as an image-bearer of God. A grace-full environment will affirm and encourage students and staff to take appropriate risks in learning and teaching. Language will be respectful, affirming, and positive. Differences of opinion and of ideas will be respected. Exercising rights and responsibilities for learning are part of the accountability structure that protects dignity and integrity. A community that practices mutual respect creates a safe place to learn for all of its members.

School Culture

At Unity Christian School, each person’s God-given potential will be developed through accepting his or her role and responsibility for learning and teaching. The culture at Unity Christian views learning for a higher purpose and encourages all members of the community as they seek to achieve their full potential in Christ. Students will be responsible, active members of society, i.e. the Kingdom of God. As such, they will accept that, using their gifts and talents, they have a responsibility to conduct themselves wisely and appropriately in and out of school settings.

Biblical Worldview

At Unity Christian School, a biblical worldview permeates the schooling experience such that each student is enabled to join in the work of advancing the Kingdom of God. At Unity Christian School, a Christian perspective for thinking and living shines through everything. It influences relationships, decisions, curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and culture.

21st Century Learning

Unity Christian School seeks to provide a robust and progressive learning environment and acquires the resources needed to achieve this.

The Community

Chilliwack is an amazing community with easy access to spectacular hiking trails and outdoor spaces, and affordable housing. If you are an outdoor enthusiast or looking to establish roots, Chilliwack is the place for you.

School Community

Unity Christian School is an interdenominational Christian School in Chilliwack, BC. We have over 30 different churches represented in our school community. Our parents are Christian families that are seeking Christian Education to support the growth of their children. We have strong partnerships with parents, as we believe that parents are ultimately responsible for the education of their children and they entrust the school to carry out this responsibility. Our parents have a strong belief in the mission of the school and contribute to its success by volunteering and financially supporting the school.

Our Unique Programs

Our mission is to engage in our world and to be God’s kingdom builders. We want to contribute to the common good in Eastern Fraser Valley. We are committed to finding opportunities for our students to be involved with doing meaningful work in our community.

Lifestyle and Recreational Opportunities

There are plenty of outdoor activities in Chilliwack: canoeing, kayaking, swimming, hiking, trail walking, and boating. The school is close to Sasquatch Mountain and Manning Park, which are great locations to snowshoe, ski, and snowboard. We are located at the base of Mount Cheam and close to Harrison Lake, where there are plenty of activities to take part in.

An hour’s drive from Vancouver, Chilliwack residents can enjoy the rural lifestyle and the slower place of life, without being too far from the big city.

There are plenty of amenities in Chilliwack that would include recreational centres with pools and ice areas, libraries, community centres, and the Chilliwack culture centre. The local junior hockey team is the Chilliwack Chiefs.

Draw for Employees

Our staff seek to empower students to own their learning and to provide a grace-filled learning environment that allows students to be challenged in their faith and learning. We are looking for passionate individuals with a growth mindset, ready to join an exciting and progressive teaching team.

Salary and Benefits

We follow the Society of Christian Schools in British Columbia’s compensation grid. Salaries range from $47,122 to $72,084 annually.

Other benefits include:

  • Employer matching of employee’s contribution to the Christian Schools International (CSI) pension plan.
  • Flex benefits package
  • $750 annual professional development fund
  • Mileage reimbursements
  • Leaves of absence
  • Bi-annual trips to Belize and France

Application Requirements

Each application should include:

  • a current resume (including at least 2 professional references, with phone numbers)
  • your BC Teacher’s Certificate, or equivalent if you’re from out of province
  • university transcripts, if available (copies are acceptable)
  • your philosophy of Christian

Each candidate must be:

  • committed Christian,
  • a BC certified teacher (or be able to qualify for BC certification);
  • dedicated to Christian education.

Other Perks


We provide every new staff member with a staff enfolder. The staff enfolder is established to help new staff understand the culture and rhythms of the school. We support the mentor relationship by encouraging staff to go out for lunch or breakfast together.

Administrative Support

Our administrative leadership team is present in the classroom and a source of educational support. We always have an open door and are able to connect about educational matters. Our admin team is deeply connected with each child and family.

Professional Growth Plans

Our teachers complete a professional growth plan (PGP), which outlines specific goals for growth. Our administrative team works hard to support the teacher in accomplishing their professional goals.

Professional Development

We offer numerous Pro-D opportunities to help staff grow and improve their professional practice. We have two Pro-D days, one that is in-house while the other is part of the provincial Pro-D conferences. We also provide Common Planning Time (CPT) every Wednesday for staff to collaborate and grow together.


Unity Christian are members of the following organizations:

  • Society of Christian Schools in BC
  • Christian Educators of BC
  • Christian Schools International
  • Federation of Independent Schools in BC

Christ-Centered Community

Unity is a faith-based community that approaches learning from a faith-based perspective. We are proactive in wanting to be impactful and difference makers in our local community. Therefore, we created our CREW program to be impactful in the community.

Vibrant Community

Unity is a vibrant community for teaching and learning. Walking through our halls, you will notice a great ethos amongst our students and staff. We believe that this is a great place to work and a great place for our students to learn. There is an atmosphere of care and respect, but also one of fun and laughter. We laugh together, we cry together, and we live and grow together.

K – 12 Community

Because we are a K-12 school on one site, we are able to go beyond traditional buddy programs, and extend into student mentorship. We work hard to build cross-grade and cross-curricular connections. We use our CPT to assist staff members in working together across the grade levels.

Parental Support and Engagement

We believe strongly in collaboration and parental involvement to create community around our students. As teachers, you will feel the support of parents as they connect with you

Continuous Reporting

We use the FreshGrade platform to continually communicate student learning to parents. The digital portfolio allows parents to support their child’s learning that is happening in the classroom.