Outside of BC - Make A Future

Outside of BC

Great Wall of China

Overview of Teaching Overseas

BC certified offshore schools are privately operated schools that offer the BC curriculum to students outside British Columbia, Canada. There are locations in ten countries, including China, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Qatar, France, Colombia and the Kingdom of Bahrain.

In addition to experiencing a new culture and the opportunity to travel, BC teachers enjoy a variety of advantages and benefits while teaching abroad:

  • Gain relevant experience teaching the BC curriculum
  • Develop and sharpen your professional teaching skills
  • Make lifelong connections with educators from around the world
  • Become a global citizen and experience different worldviews
  • Become an informal ambassador to share Canadian culture
  • Save money and pay off your student loans
  • Make lifelong connections with educators, administrators, students, and families from around the world

The BC government annually inspects offshore schools to ensure compliance with the requirements of the BC Global Education program. As an operating requirement, BC-certified offshore schools must employ BC-certified teachers.

Teaching in China

Teaching in China offers a myriad of opportunities for employment and professional development as well as travel and adventure.

Five BC-certified offshore operators have schools in various regions of China. As such, there are a variety of destinations and work sites for BC educators to explore in China.

Learn more about teaching overseas in China.

Teaching in Japan

The culture in Japan is homogenous and steeped in tradition. At the same time, it also borrows and assimilates many influences from other North American, Asian and European countries.

Learn more about teaching at Bunka Suginami Canadian International School (BSCIS) in Tokyo, Japan.

Teaching in Egypt

If you have a sense of adventure and you’re looking to travel around North Africa and the Middle East, teach in Egypt!

Learn more about teaching at British Columbia Canadian International School (BCCIS) in Cairo, Egypt.


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